The 8 Branches Of Chinese Medicine

If you were to do a deep dive into the world of Chinese Medicine, you'd discover that it isn't just acupuncture. There are 8 branches, all designed to work together for the purpose of supporting full system health. Meaning, wellness for mind, body & spirit.

Here is a simple explanation of all 8 branches that create the magnificent tree that is Chinese Medicine:

01. Acupuncture: This is a method of treatment based on influencing the body's qi (chee)  flow by inserting needles in specific points on the body, called acupuncture points.

02. Herbalism: Chinese herbal medicine is an important adjunct to acupuncture  that serves a therapeutic purpose  in bringing the mind, body & spirit back into thriving balance.

03. Tui na: This is a form of massage designed to release blockages of energy that create pain & illness. This special technique softens areas of tension by activating acupressure points.

04. Nutrition: In Chinese Medicine, food is used to help correct a pattern imbalance. Acupuncturist's decide which organs need support & suggest specific foods accordingly.

05. Qi gong: This is a movement meditation designed to deepen the breath, gently exercise the body & focus the mind. This self-healing method aims to build the body's innate energy system called qi (chee).

06. Meditation: This is considered a form of self-cultivation & is an internal journey that benefits mind & body health, but is ultimately seen as a way to grow one's sense of self.

07. Moxabustion: This is an herb used to warm the body & strengthen an acupuncture point's function. It comes in different forms & is safely burned, creating a smoky effect during acupuncture.

08. Feng shui: Translated, it means "wind and water" & is a design method used to provide the most harmonious qi (chee) flow in an environment that will benefit all living beings within it.

Please note that not all Acupuncturists include these in their practice (ie. I don't specialize in feng shui). In a clinical setting (at least in the West) acupuncturists primarily utilize these four; acupuncture, herbalism, moxa & tui na (pronounced "twee nah").


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