Harmonizing the Heart Kidney Axis

Heart & kidney harmonization is one of my favorite concepts in Chinese Medicine.
The heart, the fire element, and the kidney, the water element, are said to stabilize each other when in harmony.

What this means is that the heart’s fire won’t burn out of control creating anxiety and heat symptoms, and the kidney’s water won’t weigh the mind and body down.

When the heart and kidneys are harmonized we experience a deep sense of balance within. We can know extreme emotional experiences, that is life, but we will also embody a deep sense of authenticity, insight & confidence.

I would guess that most of us have experienced a heart & kidney disconnect recently. Insomnia, anxiety, back pain & extreme fears for example. And, it can be passed down the family tree as trauma, or felt acutely.

The thing with a heart & kidney disharmony is that you don’t have to have all the signs. It can be a minor expression and then swing to the extreme. It’s all along a spectrum.

Signs of heart & kidney disharmony: insomnia, mentally restless, palpitations, anxiety, dream-disturbed sleep, night sweating, hot at night, dizziness, ears ringing, extreme fear, difficulty hearing, poor memory, & low backache.

Here are some of my favorites that encourage heart & kidney harmony (think self-care):
♾Acupuncture establishes the heart, kidney axis.
♾Adaptogenic herbs can calm the heart & anchor the kidneys so we feel at peace.
♾Self-cultivation practices like qigong, yoga & meditation.
♾Diffusing or wearing essential oils geranium or rose.
♾Meaningful connection with family, friends and/or loved ones.

What are some of the ways you experience heart & kidney harmony?


What We Treat: Anxiety


Yi Dao, Qi Dao