The Paradox of the Heart

I recently had a patient say to me, “I’m happy right now, why is my body acting this way”.
This was after she detailed some significant traumas from her past.

This is a conversation I’ve had with many patients, so this sums up my response.

Our heart holds paradox. When we encounter a trauma, major loss, or heartache, our mind wants to reason through it. It wants to know why.

The heart, however, has the ability to hold paradoxes. We can know the loss of a loved one & at the same time experience life’s pure joy. We can carry both! It isn’t one or the other. The heart’s wisdom supports tragedy & forgiveness, for example.

Simply put, the heart’s paradox invites us to fully embrace a full spectrum of emotions. When in balance it invites them all to exist simultaneously, and to heal all.


Our 4 Core Principles


What We Treat: Acne, Eczema, and Rosacea