Moxabustion (Artemisia Vulgaris)

As one of our tools in Chinese Medicine, moxabustion (“moxa”) is an herb that acupuncturists use to warm the body and strengthen an acupuncture points function.

It comes in different forms and is safely burned, creating a smoky effect during an acupuncture treatment.

It’s certainly not suitable for all patient (especially those who carry a lot of heat), but it’s deeply penetrative warmth can benefit:
🌱fertility, pregnancy,
🌱breech baby position,
🌱areas of stubborn & achy pain,
🌱digestive issues,
🌱menstrual health
🌱energy, vitality,
🌱signs of aging & more!

Chinese Medicine herbalists also use moxa in tea formulas to benefit reproductive health.
It can stop prolonged menstrual bleeding & benefit the womb.

It is quite a cis female herb. Its latin name, ‘artemisia vulgaris’, gives hint to it’s magical connection with the lunar goddess Artemis. Known for her connection to nature, the moon & fertility, moxa has rich history in healing all female conditions.

It’s magical properties can be discovered as a soothing tea in the evening, and you can also keep dried moxa by your bedside. Either way is said to stimulate vivid, divinatory dreams.

Of course, this isn’t advised for everyone so it’s best to consult an herbalist before consuming.


What We Treat: Neck and Back Pain


What We Treat: Headaches and Migraines