The Three Treasures

The Three Treasures are one of my favorite concepts in Chinese Medicine. These three represent our human experience; our essence, our energy & our spirit.

Essence (also known as Jing): The 1st treasure discussed is Essence & represents our physical body. It is the deepest part of our constitution, the genetic blueprint that is passed down from our lineage. Strengthening our physical form allows qi (chee) & blood to circulate so health can be sustained & illness avoided, even if certain conditions are marked in our DNA.

Energy (also known as Qi/chee): The 2nd treasure is the flow of energy in our life and how it impacts us. There is a saying that where attention goes, energy flows. Meaning, what you focus on, you feed. Understanding this treasure means that we mindfully observe how we use our energy for either furthering disease or encouraging health & wellness.

Spirit (also known as Shen): The 3rd treasure, Spirit, is our heightened awareness as beings. When we cultivate our physical form & consciously guide where our energy flows in life (people, situations), we begin to move more freely in the world & feel lighter with less emotional baggage. Essentially, we feel more spirited, more animated & aware in life

Chinese Medicine has several acupuncture points, herbs & lifestyle cultivations that grow all three treasures.
Consider Unity Acupuncture for your physical, emotional & spiritual health.


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