Why Does Your Body Require Sodium?

Many people use sodium interchangeably with salt, but actually sodium is a mineral or chemical element found in salt. Sodium is an essential nutrient your body requires but doesn't produce organically.
In short, don’t avoid salt but do ditch the table salt because it doesn’t carry any minerals (sodium + more) that your body needs.

Why is sodium important?

Sodium helps calcium remain in your bones & spine. When calcium is pulled from your skeletal system, it creates inflexibility in your tendons, muscles & joints which leads to stiffness & pain.

Sodium is considered the "youth element" due to its importance in keeping the body feeling agile & pain-free.

Signs of sodium deficiency:

Arthritis, tendonitis, stiff spine, tight muscles, Insomnia, poor eyesight, dizziness, poor digestion, depression, low motivation, & panic attacks.

According to Chinese Medicine theory, these are all signs of a liver imbalance, thus sodium is the mineral associated with healthy liver qi (chee).

Sodium-rich foods: Salts: Himalayan pink & Celtic grey, Vegetables: Celery, Asparagus, Carrots, Kale, Red cabbage, Dandelion greens & Okra, Fruits: Apples, Coconuts, Dates, Strawberries & Apricots, and Seeds: Sunflower & Sesame


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