The 5 Virtues of Chinese Medicine

According to Chinese Medicine theory, our organs can become burdened by certain emotions. This in turn leads to physical illness.

This is where the 5 virtues become helpful. For each emotional struggle there is a counterbalance, a virtue.

These are self-cultivations, or ways of embodying mindfulness so we can heal ourselves & prevent disease.
If we are carrying fear, seeking the root of this emotion will ignite innate wisdom.
Anger will cause our qi/energy to rise, kindness brings us back into our calm center.
Self-forgiveness is so important for personal healing, & healing trauma is what the heart does best.
Excessive worry can deplete our qi/energy, but learning to truly trust ourselves is power.
This virtue is about being fully present in our emotional experience, to lean in instead of turning away from the pain.

In an acupuncture treatment, identifying the primary emotional burden can help an acupuncturist craft a successful treatment for the patient. This in turn helps the patient to emotionally process & heal themselves.


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What We Treat: Fertility, Pregnancy and Postpartum