What We Treat: Fertility, Pregnancy and Postpartum

Chinese Medicine is an amazing tool for supporting these, but it’s so much more than applying acupuncture needles to encourage follicular growth, optimize ovulation & secure pregnancy. It truly is a sacred journey.

What can Chinese Medicine do for fertility, pregnancy & postpartum support?

Encourage healthy blood flow to the pelvis, balance & optimize reproductive hormones, enhance ovulation to ensure implantation, assist IUI & IVF collection & transfer, reduce reflux, nausea, & vomiting, and relax physical and emotional tension.

Important concepts in Chinese Medicine we factor in during an acupuncture treatment:
Heart to womb connection
This Chinese Medicine concept is about creating an environment so that the heart can open and welcome this new soul into the womb.

Heart & kidney communication

This Chinese Medicine concept speaks to the heart nourishing support that is needed for emotional stability during conception and pregnancy. It’s about trusting the process and remaining centered.


The 5 Virtues of Chinese Medicine


What We Treat: Neck and Back Pain