What We Treat: Anxiety

Anxiety can manifest in so many unique ways for each person. Even if anxiety isn’t a daily experience for you, we all have our own signs of it.

One of the things we love about acupuncture is that it is an opportunity to hit pause on life’s stressors. A time to get quiet & to discern the whispers of the heart.

Tools in our office for supporting anxiety:
there are so many acupuncture points that calm restlessness, emotional discomfort & more.
❤️Herbal Medicine:
an herbal formula can be safely suggested to help lower daily stress responses.
❤️Cupping Massage:
anxiety can be physically held in the muscles & this technique helps to soften areas of tension.

Acupuncture compliments counseling/therapy & is safe even if you’re on anti-anxiety medications.


What We Treat: Acne, Eczema, and Rosacea


Harmonizing the Heart Kidney Axis