What We Treat: Spring Allergies

Spring/seasonal allergies can be lessened with acupuncture, Chinese herbs, supplements & even food choices.

How does Acupuncture treat seasonal allergies?
-Acupuncture has demonstrated in research studies to lower oxidative stress which contributes to a body's poor immune response.

-Acupuncture has been proven to rebalance the histamine hyper sensitivity reaction responsible for overwhelming allergies.

-Acupuncture excels at recalibrating the nervous system & lowering stressors that exacerbate Spring allergy symptoms.

Acupuncture is a medicine that seeks to optimize organ function. We often find that these are the 3 organ systems that need the most help this time of year.
Strengthening this organ allows the immune system to thrive & be less reactive to allergies.

Spring is the time of year when the liver is most active, thus it’s important to provide support for this organ.

Your gut health plays a big role in when it comes to controlling allergies (both seasonal & food).


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