Yi Dao, Qi Dao

Yi dao, qi dao, pronounced “ee dow, chee dow”, is a Chinese expression that means where our thoughts travel, energy travels.

It is a central concept in the internal martial arts (ex. qigong) and Chinese Medicine that states the importance of being mindful of where we place our thoughts & focus.

Yi dao, qi dao is a mantra or affirmation for watching what thoughts & emotions you carry daily. Our focus, whether it be negative or positive, shapes our daily reality & health.

This expression encourages us to consciously direct where our energy travels so that we create a life-enhancing point of view.

Guided meditation, visualization, mindfulness, qigong, yoga, acupuncture; these are all tools for directing, or redirecting our energy towards those that nourish us mind, body & spirit.

How are you tending your yi (thoughts) today?


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