Three Fertility Health Strategies

This blog focuses on Unity Acupuncture’s essential health strategies for anyone trying to get pregnant. In our office, these three are most often observed as a potential concern. Acupuncture can help with the last one listed (keep stress down), but the other two require lifestyle guidance & changes.

What are our three health strategies for those trying to get pregnant?

-Avoid product toxins:
Many household & beauty products contain hormone disruptors that are easily absorbed through your skin. The skin corresponds with the lung qi (chee) in Chinese Medicine.
Protect your lung qi & keep hormones optimal for fertility by knowing what's in all products that touch your skin.
-Don't skip meals:
In our busy lives it's easy to skip meals. This in turn causes your blood sugar to swing in unstable directions. Blood sugar fluctuation causes cortisol, your body's stress hormone, to rise & generate physical & mental stress.
Prioritize your spleen qi (chee) health with nourishing meals that support fertility.
-Keep stress down:
Not all stress is bad. In fact, we need stress in order to survive. However, an excessive amount can put our nervous system into fight or flight mode, alerting the body, "we shouldn't make a baby right now".
Calm your heart qi (chee) with practices that make you feel relaxed & resilient.

💛Unity Acupuncture can provide you guidance on:
<> Foods for fertility health
<> Resources for clean at-home products & brands

Unity Acupuncture is here to guide you on maintaining optimal health now & on your fertility/pregnancy journey.


What We Treat: Chronic Stress


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