What is Heart Womb Communication?

When working with those trying to get pregnant or in any trimester of pregnancy, I love introducing the concept of heart womb communication.

Heart womb communication is a sweet & sacred fertility concept in Chinese Medicine. The heart of the mother is open, calm & trusting of the fertility journey. This heart-felt hope welcomes in the soul of the baby into the womb, also known as the 'palace of the child'. This imagery can be used as a daily meditation when the stress of getting pregnant burdens the mother.

•Start by breathing into your chest & close your eyes.
•Open your palms in a relaxed & receiving gesture by your sides.
•Imagine your heart open & calm. Keep breathing into the chest.
•Envision your baby being invited in by this loving energy.
•Continue breathing a joyful & hopeful breaths. Smile.
•Now begin a deeper style of breathing into your lower abdomen.
•Fill your lower belly/area of your womb with energy & life.
•Now welcome your baby into your womb.

There several acupuncture points that I love to use in a fertility/pregnancy treatment that encourage heart womb communication.

Please consider Unity Acupuncture for fertility assistance & pregnancy support. We would be honored to work with you on this sacred journey.


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