3 Essential Oils For Bug Bites
Laura Marion Laura Marion

3 Essential Oils For Bug Bites

Even when bathed in bug spray we ultimately get mosquito bites. One of our go-to tools for lessening irritation & itch is essential oils.

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What We Treat: Chronic Stress
Laura Marion Laura Marion

What We Treat: Chronic Stress

This blog explores what happens to our qi, our energy system, when the mind and body encounter & process stress. What direction does it travel and what symptoms does it create?

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Three Fertility Health Strategies
Laura Marion Laura Marion

Three Fertility Health Strategies

This blog focuses on Unity Acupuncture’s essential health strategies for anyone trying to get pregnant. In our office, these three are most often observed as a potential concern.

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How Does Acupuncture Work?
Laura Marion Laura Marion

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Documented as being well over 6,000 years old, Chinese Medicine is actually an eight branch system of health that includes…

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