What We Treat: High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, or hypertension, occurs when your blood pressure increases to unhealthy levels. Your blood pressure measurement takes into account how much blood is passing through your blood vessels and the amount of resistance the blood meets while the heart is pumping.

What does an acupuncture treatment for high blood pressure look like: Patient reports a 155/95 high blood pressure reading along with a dull headache, insomnia & a mixed feeling of sadness & anger due to a recent separation from their partner.

The acupuncture treatment:

Yintang: located between the eyebrows
Alleviates headaches, treats insomnia & emotionally soothing.

Pericardium 6: located near the wrist on the inner arm
Regulates heart rhythm, very calming & treats insomnia.

Liver 2: located on top of the foot
Supports anger & sadness, reduces headaches

+ Essential oil therapy:
Rose: apply 3 drops on patient's upper chest to inhale.
Excellent for insomnia, headaches & angry outbursts.

+ Breathwork:
Instruct patient to breath deeply into abdomen for the count of 5 seconds & to slowly exhale to the count of 6 seconds during entire treatment to reset nervous system.

* Patient given a list of potassium-rich foods to support healthy blood pressure.

Consider Unity Acupuncture for your heart health. UnityAVL.com for easy, online scheduling.


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